Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota lanza el "centro de beneficios" en línea para los empleadores que desean ofrecer a sus empleados simplicidad a la hora de seleccionar productos durante la inscripción anual a beneficios

EAGAN, Minn. (September 30, 2014) - Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota (Blue Cross) today announced the creation of their Private Exchange solution, a "benefits hub" for employers with more than 50 employees. The hub goes beyond  traditional health care offerings by including dental, life, disability and vision insurance, and a vacation savings account, all in an online environment where employees can calculate, shop and purchase what is best for them and their families.

Blue Cross' online marketplace allows employers to provide a pre-determined amount of money, called a "defined contribution," for their employees to use when shopping for their annual benefits. In lieu of their previously limited health plan options, this private exchange offers a variety of health plan designs on a spectrum of prices and networks.

A proven model, the defined contribution plan, allows employers to allocate dollars through a private exchange helping them better manage their annual benefits costs. In turn, employees are able to use their employer-provided dollars to easily shop online in the private exchange for their benefits, giving them greater control over what they select and the amount they spend. 

"Blue Cross is pleased to meet a growing demand for an online marketplace where consumers have the flexibility to select plans most suitable for them," said Dave Corkum, senior vice president of commercial markets. "We are thrilled to partner with Bloom Health and offer the most comprehensive private exchange solution in the nation."

In addition to the initial shopping experience, the Blue Cross benefits hub will support consumer engagement and provide human resources departments assistance with the enrollment, management, renewal and administration of health benefits. 

The Blue Cross benefits hub is powered by Bloom Health's Private Exchange Platform, which was developed by Minneapolis-based Bloom Health. Employees are assisted in the hub by a modeling tool that uses an individual's needs and preferences to determine recommendations for the most appropriate benefit selections.

The benefits hub is now available to agents, brokers and large group employers as part of the 2015 open enrollment period.

Acerca de Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota

Durante más de 90 años, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota ( favorece la salud, el bienestar y la tranquilidad de sus miembros esforzándose por garantizar el acceso equitativo a atención médica de la mejor calidad, a un precio asequible.​​​​​​​ Nuestra misión es impulsar el cambio, transformar la atención médica y contribuir a la buena salud de las personas y comunidades a las que prestamos servicio, lo cual hacemos realidad mediante la renovación de nuestros conceptos y del sistema general. Tenemos más de 2.5 millones de miembros distribuidos entre cada condado de Minnesota, los 50 estados y cuatro continentes. Como una orgullosa organización sin fines de lucro, creemos que trabajar para promover el bienestar de todos los residentes de Minnesota es la mayor inversión que podemos hacer. Nuestro objetivo es nada menos que todos puedan lograr su mayor potencial de salud, independientemente de la raza u otras circunstancias definidas socialmente. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota es titular de una licencia independiente de Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, que brinda sus servicios a más de 107 millones de miembros en todo el territorio de los Estados Unidos.